Basketball in South Florida to motoracing across England

Employment and autism
The BBC have featured Spautism director and TRACK NN founder Tom Cliffe, and two Café Track baristas Alfie and Jack, in a piece about improving employability opportunities for autistic people.
Please click here to view the article.
Working in basketball
Brandon Matthews is the team manager at the University of South Florida’s basketball team, and has inspired other autistic people over the past seven seasons.
Please click here to view the full story.
Racing ahead
Spautism friend Bobby Trundley is teaming up with autistic fellow racing driver Sandro Ballesteros to take part in the 2024 Club Enduro Championship.
Please click here to view the full story.
Raising awareness
Autism Awareness Through Sport are planning a series of events in Doncaster that will build funds for an Acceptance Centre.
Please click here to view the full story.
Tennis training
Florida Atlantic University tennis players shared their skills with an ACEing Autism group to organise an interactive training session.
Please click here to view the full story.
Soccer skills
Oakland University has been opening its doors on a Saturday morning to local autistic children who want to play football, and train with OU’s players.
Please click here to view the full story.
Showing what’s possible
Fourteen autistic children completed a 165km open water swim from Cuddalore to Chennai along the Indian coastline.
Please click here to view the full story.
Community exercise
A fitness playground recently opened in South Carolina that will help autistic children and adults exercise more regularly.